Writers 4-UM

The 4-UM will share ideas about writing via two channels: monthly, online Zoom sessions focused on selected topics; and monthly posts about writing, which will become a cumulative resource.

Zoom Sessions will take place on the first Wednesday of each month from 5 to 6 p.m. PST. Please join the meeting at least a couple of minutes before the start time. If you want to receive notifications or make suggestions about topics to be covered, go to the Contact Info page on this site.

4-UM Posts will be made on the third Wednesday of each month and will often either follow on a Writers 4-UM session or become the topic of an upcoming session. All aspects of the writing cycle—inception, research, writing, editing, proofing, rewriting, production, promotion, and sales—will be considered. The underlying belief is that, to succeed, writers have to be inspired and fully engaged at every stage of the writing cycle. If you want to receive 4-UM posts, sign up for Email Updates on the Contact Info page of this site.